
who I am

Ermark Adora HTML

As a company, entrepreneur or individual, continued growth is vital. Technology can help us facilitate that growth but only to a certain degree. Relationships, strategic partnerships and creative ideas still reign supreme when your goal is to stand out and be remembered. As busy professionals we don’t always take time to implement a plan of change to get us where we want or need to be. You have a vision, let’s uncover it and build upon it.
Offering a free confidential consultation to listen and evaluate where you might be “stuck”, you and I together determine how I may assist your forward movement.

If you need help building relationships, building your brand or building up your employees, let’s talk.

BTW - How does someone feel when they see your name come up on their caller ID?

Do they smile or answer? Cringe or put you to voice mail? Or do they even recognize your number at all?


> C O N N E C T
> C O L L A B O R A T E
> C O M M U N I C A T E

New York




